Monday, November 18, 2013

Time Is Running Out, Indie Artists!

We told you guys about our contest in this blog last month. Well, our song contest ends in just three days!

It's very easy to enter. Once you visit our page, you can enter in just four simple steps:

1) Record a song using any Bari Beat.
2) Upload your song to YouTube. Include 'Bari Beats Contest' in the title. Include in the description.
3) Like our Facebook page and introduce yourself by dropping a comment on our wall.
4) Send an email to with the subject 'Fall Contest Submission.' Include a one paragraph bio and the link to your YouTube video.

All of our prizes include Bari Beats. But the no. 1 winner will receive $500 cash, an exclusive month-long feature on our site, mixing and mastering for 16 tracks, a spot on our Bari Beats mixtape, and two 100% custom Bari Beats. We're basically giving away the farm to one deserving indie artist. We support the indie music industry--and we want to pick someone who shows promise, believes in their talent, and has true grit in the face of adversity. The more original you are, the better. We don't want to hear anything we've heard 100 times over.

Aside from the top prizes, we are also offering
  • 2nd Prize​​: 8 exclusive Bari Beats and our music marketing manual​ 
  • 3rd Prize: 4 exclusive Bari Beats 
  • Consolation Prize: 1 exclusive Bari Beat

Remember--time is up this Thursday, Nov. 21, at midnight PST.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Throw Your Album Release Party Professionally

As an indie artist, you've probably spent several months (heck, maybe even years) putting together a dope album. After putting in such a huge investment, part of your return is your release party. Just like any big event, you have to consider who will be there, why you want them there, and what it means for your career.

1. Plan your date and stick to it. Unless it's a family emergency, there's no reason for you not to follow through on your plan. Lack of funds? Throw a Kickstarter campaign and blast it on social media. No publicity? Start hitting up all your local alternative weeklies, and get your fans to promote your party on their social media profiles. Excuses don't make dollars.

2. Pick the right venue. For you, that is. This doesn't mean you have to rent out an expensive club or go so cheap that you're using your cousin's basement. Just do your research and figure out
  • Where does your fan base hang out?
  • Could you network your way into a better rate for a venue? Who do you know?
  • What are the rules and requirements at the venue you want?
  • Is the venue in a safe enough area?
  • And any other relevant questions you can think to ask yourself.

3. Make that money. Try to sell your album as your ticket sales in advance. This does three things:
  • It ensures you cover the cost of the venue.
  • Your fans get something tangible for their cash. People love receiving gifts, so they'll be more likely to show.
  • You can promote your entire album, not just the select songs you perform.

4. Get your "hype" team together. Enlist a few local bloggers, social media mavens, and a fan or two to help you put your show together. You'll need folks to help with the publicity, because you can't do it all on your own. Someone needs to man the tables when people line up to come into the party. You'll also need a hand (or several) when setting up the equipment, too. Preparation and manpower are key.

5. Put together a short list. It's a given that you want your existing fans there. But what about generating a new fan base? Or which media professionals would be willing to write up a piece about you? Write down the names/contacts of the people who you would like to attend and send out personal invites, especially to popular bloggers, radio personalities and music producers. You are throwing a show, but it's also the perfect opportunity to sell yourself.

Some other great resources you can check out are Hypebot (written by indie rapper @koshadillz) and Music Think Tank (it's a couple years old, but still very much relevant) for more tips.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

When Indie Artists Face Writer's Block

Nothing's worse than sitting down and having nothing to write. Getting stuck on the writing process can hit you and your pockets like a ton of bricks. Because you're basically just wasting time and money holding up your album's post-production process.

So...what do you do about it?

Well, it depends on how much time you have. If you're under pressure to produce, then often times you just have to work through it. Fear is essentially what can be holding you back. Sometimes the first step is to just write through the pain. The worst that can happen is that you revise it, or maybe even *drum roll* find the source of inspiration you were missing. Psychologists even say that fear is what holds many back from accomplishing their dreams. Are you going to let fear push back your amazing album?

If you have time on your side, then maybe you're just rushing things? Putting too much pressure on yourself can be worse than having no time at all. Besides what you do--producing music for the masses--is an art. As cliche as it sounds, you can't rush good art. Look at some things you could be doing differently:

Switch up your workflow. Go somewhere new, or even try something new that's not related to what you're doing. Listen to the music that inspires you. Meditate (seriously when you do it right, it kills a lot of negative vibes). Just embrace change.

Don't be afraid to ask for help. The worst someone could say is, "no, that sucks." And if you can't take constructive criticism, then get out the business now. And be sure that it's not someone close to you. If you're bold enough, you can even try your luck with it at a show.

Use new tools. There is the great big Internet out there, so use it. There are tons of inspirational apps and articles you can use. Maybe this is a sign that you should be growing your knowledge. 

And let's leave you with an equally amazing quote: "The way to get good ideas is to get lots of ideas and throw the bad ones away."- Linus Pauling

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Run Your Home Studio the Right Way

We told you about our free music marketing e-book* in this post. We’re pulling out another piece of information from it that you can use: creating the perfect home studio. Many good indie artists have tons of talent, but sound like garbage on a track because they don’t take the time to properly mix and master their album. Don’t end up in the same boat. Whether you go to a local studio or down into your basement to produce, we have tips that will save you time, money, …and embarrassment.

Local Studio

Although this is usually a more expensive option than going the DIY route, choosing the right studio that fits your needs will give you the highest quality record. Yeah, we’re talking up to $500 a track here. But that includes recording time, mixing and mastering. To really make your dollar stretch far, remember
  • Time is money. Don’t waste any—do all of your writing, practicing, and other prep work outside of the studio.
  • Do your homework. To pick the right studio, you need to do some research and ask reputable artists where they go. Make sure they specialize in your style and genre of music. Be sure that you like the sounds they produce.
  •  Ask questions. Find out what their recording process is, how they conduct their mixing/mastering, and if they have any special deals. Also, ask what type of software they use so that you’re not in the dark when dealing with the engineer.

Home Studio

Building a home studio is the most economic way you can finish your album. Plus, it eliminates any excuses (like lack of money) you may have if you couldn’t work from home. But the key to making it possible is investing in the right software and hardware. They don’t always have to be expensive, but you need to know the difference between trash and treasure. For a…

…Microphone, buy a Shure or Blue model to get the most bang for your buck.
…Preamp, buy a good interface that connects your mics and speakers to your computer seamlessly.
…Set of headphones, don’t just buy one—pick up two sets of high-quality ones so you can check your mixes against each other. Your headphones are even more important than your speakers.
…Set of speakers, you don’t have to spend a ton here. Just get a decent set (or two, to check your mixes).
…Few extras, definitely invest in the following accessories: mic pop filter, mic stand, and headphone amp.

Want More?

In our e-book, we also have links to the specific pieces of equipment with pricing you’ll need to set up a solid home studio. Check out our page to find out how you can obtain our free manual.

*Click the link and select either Deal 1 or Deal 3 to get our manual. The bonus with Deal 3 is that we’ll hook you up with 100 exclusive Bari Beats, too!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Don't Buy Indie Music One Song at a Time

A cool piece on Hypebot (Why Musicians Make Little While Music Services and Distributors Make Billions) talks about how streaming services such as Spotify and Pandora are actually hurting music artists' revenue overall. One commenter made an interesting point about how music fans don't seem as loyal anymore.

"Find the bands you love and buy their album on their websites or directly from the band at shows. Support them by going to their shows and buying their music. If you really loved them you would buy the album and not one song at a time on some stupid streaming service. Collect art people."—Pedro

It's rare to find a music lover like Pedro nowadays in a generation where many people have bought few if any CDs in their lifetimes. People pull their music from YouTube or a playlist service such as Music Unlimited. And its clear that the music industry overall doesn't care if artists make bank or not. So the question is, how can you get more people to support you like Pedro?

Simple. Don't forget to sell yourself as more than just a hit song.

At shows, when you talk to the crowd, emphasize how much hard work and dedication you put into each track. Even better is to give them something they've never heard before to show your diversity as an artist.

Remember, times have changed but people largely have not. If you give your fan base something to rally around, they'll be willing to spend a few bucks more to support your dream versus $.99 (or nothing) for one track.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Making Good Contacts in the Music Industry

Here at Bari Beats, we’ve created a free 62-page marketing manual* specifically for indie music artists. It’s chock full of invaluable advice on how you can advance within the music industry. We’re going to give you a few excerpts from it on how you can cultivate solid contacts.

Developing Etiquette

You’re only as good as those you surround yourself with, so you need to develop working relationships that can take you to the next level as an artist. But it’s crucial that you understand the following rules to successfully connect with an industry professional.


This goes without saying, but be on time or don’t take on a meeting at all. If you must, then reschedule. But call ahead first. If you fail to show up on time or at all, then you look irresponsible and disrespectful. And you will likely not get a second chance.

Be Trustworthy

Never break confidence with sensitive material and intellectual property. Basically, you need to zip it and hush. The more people who trust you, the more doors you’ll open for yourself.


You need to have a reputable person with you at all times when conducting business: manager, lawyer, agent, company or investor. It adds to your credibility. It’s still OK if you don’t have access to one of these professionals, but you should actively be in pursuit of one.

Don’t Spam

Don’t overwhelm your contact with too much information. People don’t have the time to listen to an entire album or read a three-page bio. Keep your media kit short and sweet. Plus by being selective, you’re forced to send only your best work. And lastly, give them some time to respond. Don’t email them constantly, because then they’ll just block you.

Know Who You’re Calling

Just as easily as you can Google for any other information, you need to research the industry professionals you want to develop relationships with. Even better would be to find others who know them personally and ask what their likes/dislikes are and how they reached their individual path to success.

Be Clear and Professional

Be direct—industry professionals do not have time to beat around the bush. And keep it professional. Polish up on your language, spelling and grammar. Don’t assume you can just speak casually because of the industry you’re in.

Be Thankful and Reciprocate

If someone did take the time out to help you—whether it was the industry professional him/herself or someone who knows him/her—the least you can do is say, “thank you.” Take it a step further and return the favor. Showing your appreciation is crucial, and you never know when you’ll need that person again.

Want More?

We have also included many reputable industry contacts throughout the US that you can try to link up with. Check out our page to find out how you can obtain our free manual.*

*Click the link and select either Deal 1 or Deal 3 to get our manual. The bonus with Deal 3 is that we’ll hook you up with 100 exclusive Bari Beats, too!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

How to Keep Grinding Even When You’re Down

Most people never see the work an indie artist puts in just to get a little shine for their talent in the music industry. It’s hard to stay on track if you constantly feel overworked and undervalued. It’s easy to think, “Where is the pay off?” and fall into a negative trap of intentionally pushing back on your goals.

To keep your eyes on your prize and avoid pouring your dreams down the drain, there are some pivotal questions you need to ask yourself.

Do I lack self-confidence?

It’s easy to tell others that you’re confident in your project. But what you feel inside can be a whole other story. And it’s usually the small setbacks that chip away at your confidence over time.

Having the mental strength to persevere despite your challenges is the most important tool in your arsenal as an artist.

Am I scared to fail?

Many people have talent but never share their gifts with the world because they’re scared they’ll reach failure before they ever taste success. If you’ve already put out your project or done a gig then, congrats! You’ve already done more than most people will ever do. You’ve started on the path to your dreams, but it’s staying the course that’s most likely challenging at this point.

Pinpoint what you do (procrastinate, think negative thoughts, perfectionism, etc.) that causes you to fear failure and work like hell to fight it.

What’s the end game?

Although you want notoriety and have your music live on well after you’re gone, the reality is that you may not reach the level of fame that you’re expecting. So, how would you deal with that?

The main thing is that you should always carve out your niche and seek to leave a legacy for your fans—whether you have 100 or 1,000,000 of them. Don’t lose sight of quality over quantity. You’re making music to touch people—and any artist who accomplishes this is already successful.

Can I adapt?

Sometimes the path you intend to take ends up becoming a different route. The important thing to remember is that you just want to reach your destination, so be as open minded as possible.

If you still need motivation to keep going, check out these resources:

Do you already feel predestined for greatness?

Tell us how you stay motivated. Share your story in the comments.